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Uploading an ostree commit to Pulp

osbuild-composer provides the users with a convenient way to upload ostree commits to a Pulp instance with ostree content support.

Using a text editor of your choice, create a configuration file with the following content:

provider = "pulp.ostree"

server_address = "PULP_ADDRESS"
repository = "REPO_NAME"
basepath = "REPO_PATH"
username = "USERNAME"
password = "PASSWORD"
  • PULP_ADDRESS is the URL of the Pulp instance.
  • REPO_NAME is the name of the repository to import the commit into. If a repository with that name does not exist, it will be created, otherwise the commit will be imported into an existing ostree repository.
  • REPO_PATH is the path that the repository will be distributed through. If the repository already exists, this option has no effect. If the repository does not exist and the repository will be created, this option is required.
  • USERNAME and PASSWORD are the credentials for a user that can push to pulp on that server.

Once everything is configured, you can trigger a compose as usual with additional image name and cloud provider profile:

$ sudo composer-cli compose start base-image-with-tmux iot-commit IMAGE_KEY pulp-ostree-config.toml

The IMAGE_KEY value has no effect for this provider.

The pulp.ostree provider supports iot-commit and edge-commit image types only.