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This guide describes the process of releasing osbuild and osbuild-composer to upstream, into Fedora and CentOS Stream.

Clone the release helpers

Go to the maintainer-tools repository, clone the repository and run pip install -r requirements.txt in order to get all the dependencies to be able to execute the and scripts.

It's also advised to set a GitHub personal access token, otherwise you might run into API usage quotas. Go to Personal access tokens on GitHub and create a new token with scope public_repo. Now, create a new packit user configuration at ~/.config/packit.yaml and paste there the following content:


Upstream release

Note: Upstream releases are done automatically on a fortnightly alternating schedule, meaning one week we release osbuild and then the next week we release osbuild-composer.

Manual upstream release

Navigate to your local repository in your terminal and call the script. It will interactively take you through the following steps:

  1. Gather all pull request titles merged to main since the latest release tag

  2. Create a draft of the next release tag

    While writing the commit message, keep in mind that it needs to conform to both Markdown and git commit message formats, have a look at the commit message for one of the recent releases to get a clear idea how it should look like.

  3. Push your signed git tag to main

From here on a GitHub composite action will take over and

  1. Create a GitHub release based on the tag (version and message)
  2. Bump the version in osbuild.spec or osbuild-composer.spec (and potentially
  3. Commit and push this change to main so the version is already reflecting the next release

Fedora release

We use packit (see .packit.yml in the osbuild or osbuild-composer repository respectively or the official packit documentation) to automatically push new releases directly to Fedora's dist-git.

Then our fedora-bot takes over and performs the remaining steps:

  1. Get a kerberos ticket by running kinit $USER@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
  2. Call fedpkg build to schedule Koji builds for each active Fedora release (or: dist-git branch)
  3. Update Bodhi with the latest release

CentOS Stream / RHEL releases

If you are a Red Hat employee, please continue reading about this in our internal release guide.

Spreading the word on

The last of releasing a new version is to create a new post on Just open a PR in osbuild/ You can find a lot of inspiration in existing release posts.